Friday, September 6, 2024

New Church in the Making

I probably never shared about our church building project on this blog. This is a rather recent development. Actually, it's been many years that the church leadership realised that our current space is way too small. We are just occupying the third floor in the Conference building, and that's maybe sufficient for a congregation of 50-60, but not for 100+. In fact, every week I tend to leave this place with a headache, because of all these noises on a rather small space. 

Nevertheless, the Lord has been good to us, and we have found an adequate place to buy, in a nice residential area in the south east of Brussels. I consider it a miracle how He has led in the financing of this project, enabling us to raise 100.000 Euro last year in May, and now even raise 50.000 Euro more to do the necessary renovations. Of course 100.000 Euro is not enough to buy a church building in Brussels, but the rest is being loaned to us by the Inter-European Divsion in Berne, Switzerland. So we will have to pay off a mortgage now, but there are so many advantages in owning this building. 

Currently, our brethren are still busy with the renovations. I went there last Sunday to help feeding them, together with some other Sisters. I was quite impressed by what I saw there. We are all excited to move in there at the end of October, Lord willing!

Our brothers working
The baptismal font

View to the garden

With my Sisters serving lunch

Sunday, August 18, 2024

Back with a Vengeance

Please forgive me for not writing. I know it's been a year since I posted here the last time. But of course there is always something happening to write about, so I will do my best to make it a priority again to share at least about some of those happenings in this public journal. 

We are in late summer already, and again, I can look back on a very blessed camp meeting in the Westerwald region. This year, the organisation was particularly challenging for us. It already started around April, when our two international speakers (Frank Fournier and Ron Duffield) had to cancel their participation in short order. So we had to look for replacement speakers, which we could thankfully secure before the end of May. However, one day before the camp, one of the international speakers had to cancel because of a conflict in his agenda he somehow had overlooked. But with the Lord's help, we were able to fill all the gaps with speakers who were already there, including one brother from our team, as well as one of our former speakers who was also present at the camp. 

So our only international speaker for the adults was Michael Carducci, and Maurice Berry was there for our youth. We were also blessed by Roman Ril as our German speaker; and those who filled the gaps were equally used by the Lord in a powerful way. If you are interested, you may watch the recordings on our YouTube Channel

Our international church here in Brussels is going to move to a new building next month, Lord willing. I will post about this more later. 

Yesterday, I got to go to the famous flower carpet at the Grand Plaza, which is happening there every two years at this time. It was beautiful! But as pretty as these flowers look like, they are going to fade within a few days. This reminds me of Isaiah 40:8:

"The grass withereth, the flower fadeth, but the word of our God shall stand forever."

Indeed, only His word can be a constant in our lives. It's the rock that we can stand on today, and it's the rock that we can stand on tomorrow!

Mary, Janice and I at the flower carpet