After a sunny interlude yesterday afternoon, the rain is back today, and it will be increasing in the course of the day. Do you feel like joining me for a hike in the park looking at this view from my living room? However, hearing about raging floods and trembling earthquakes in other parts of the world, I shouldn't be complaining about the elements here in Brussels.
I'm just thinking now about how I'm going to spend my Sunday. I will probably do various chores at home (including my favorite one - cooking) and spend some time in the gym. It would also be nice if I could talk to some friends in the US. Let's see who will have time to spare on the phone with me!
This would also be an ideal day to do a cooking school at my home. I thought it would be much easier to invite people over, as I have all the equipment here that I would need.
The bottom line is that I would really like to get busy for the Lord and do whatever I can to educate people about the health message and point them to our Great Physician. When I was still at Uchee Pines, it was quite easy to serve people as this was may daily assignment. As soon as I left there and spent a summer at Eden Valley weeding lettuce, thinning carrots and watching after a group of self-sufficient elderly people, something was missing. I did want to do more to serve while I was there, but maybe I didn't seize the opportunities or I just didn't get them. Right now, I'm facing the situation that many doors are opening, yet nothing really materializes. Perhaps I should become more pro-active.
I just read an interesting quote:
"But like the stars in the vast circuit of their appointed path, God's purposes know no haste and no delay." (Desire of Ages, p. 32)
Wow, that's profound. Yet it leaves open what exactly God's purposes are in our individual lives. And how can we discern whether our views of God's timing are distorted, as His timing is just perfect and well-aligned like the circuit of the stars. Well, this gives rise to more thought, and I may get back to it in a later posting.
Yesterday, when I was worshiping with the French speaking Church, the lyrics of one of the hymns we sang caught my attention.
Le cri de mon âme s'élève vers toi, elle te réclame, Jésus, pour son roi. Ton joug est facile, ton fardeau léger; sur mon coeur docile, règne ô bon berger.
Eclare ma route, inspire mes choix, dissipe mes doutes et soutiens ma foi. Dans la nuit profonde, tiens-moi par la main; lumière du monde, luis sur mon chemin.
In English this means the following:
The cry of my soul is rising up to you, it claims you as its King. Your yoke is easy, your burden light; reign oh Shepperd over my meek heart. Light up my ways, inspire my choices, dissipate my doubts and uphold my faith. In the deep night hold me by your hand; light of the world, shine on my way.
May the Lord's light shine upon you today!
PS: And this is how ugly it became later in the afternoon. What a blessing it is to have a warm and cozy home to dwell in...