Friday, August 26, 2022

Reviving a Dead Blog

I know it's been a long time since I've last published a blog. It's not that there wasn't anything happening during this time, but I wasn't sure if I should really continue blogging. However, I've changed my mind and I would just like to consider this time of silence a Sabbatical. So let's see if I can fulfill my commitment!

The last few weeks have been a whirlwind. This has certainly not been a relaxing summer, but definitely a very blessed one! 

About three weeks ago, we concluded our annual German camp meeting, which was the first one after two years that we could organize without any covid restrictions. You could see that people were hungry for such meetings, as we had more than double the amount of participants compared to last year. Our main speakers (Mark Sandoval, Christopher Hudson, Gabriel Maurer) were a blessing. We spontaneously ended up having Chris Hudson with us here in Belgium during last weekend, where he spoke in West Flanders. His preaching was so powerful. It reminded me about the urgency to finish the work on this earth. 

In our church, we are going to start a new two-year term of officers. Besides Health Ministries coordinator, I'm elected as church clerk for this term. I held this office between 2010 and 2014, before I went to the US again. It's rather humbling to me to play such a pivotal role in our church life again. May the Lord help me to serve His church in the way He wants to use me. 

As for my work, I'm very thankful for the current conditions at our offices, which are extremely helpful to balance home and career. We only need to come to the office two days per week, and the other days we can work from home. They also allow us to work up to ten days per year from abroad, which gives me more time to be with my family in Germany. 

So all in all, I look forward to these months to come, which will certainly give me no dull moment!

This morning, I've read a rather sobering devotional reading, entitled "Work, for Earth's Night Is Coming." The messenger of the Lord says:

"My heart is often burdened because so many who might work are doing nothing. They are the sport of Satan’s temptations. Every church member who has a knowledge of the truth is expected to work while the day lasts; for the night cometh, wherein no one can work. Erelong we shall understand what that night means. The Spirit of God is being grieved away from the earth. The nations are angry with one another. Widespread preparations are being made for war. The night is at hand. Let the church arouse and go forth to do its appointed work. Every believer, educated or uneducated, can bear the message."

(Be Like Jesus, p. 252.4)

Sometimes, I think how in the world the work on this earth can ever be finished, so that Jesus can come soon to take us home. How shall it happen if so many church members just go with the flow and make no personal efforts to win souls for the Kingdom? What about the numerous opportunities that I did not cease to spread the gospel in whatever way? I can only determine for myself right now to get moving and do what is in my power to make a difference. May the Lord help us in this solemn task, and may the Holy Spirit wake up many people who are now in ignorance before it's too late! 

                                                              Camp meeting audience

                                                         Some of the speakers on stage

Christopher Hudson


                                                           Gabriel Maurer speaking

                                                                Children's programme

                                                           Children's story on Sabbath

                                    Mark Sandoval with Johannes Kolletzki interpreting