Sunday, March 9, 2014

First Signs of Spring

The weather has been beautiful lately. Today it felt almost like summer, and I really enjoyed going spending some time in the park. It feels so good after this long period with hardly any sunshine!

Yesterday, I preached for the first time at Brussels International Church. I was asked to do so for our special Women's Ministries Sabbath. I decided to give a personal testimony, entitled "Transformed in Christ". I once gave a similar talk at Uchee Pines. It was blessed, and I'm thankful for the outcome. In two weeks time, I will give another cooking class at church. I hope the turn-out will be good.

Lately, I have made plans for my next adventure. Yes, I have decided to take another leave of absence from my work! As of October, I'm going to leave Brussels for about a year, in order to fresh up my skills in medical missionary work and agriculture. So I'm planning to spend some time at Uchee Pines and Eden Valley in the first half of 2015. Before that, I'm going to help out for a few months at an orphanage project in Bolivia. In fact, I have two godchildren there :-). Thus, I'll be able to meet them and at the same time improve my Spanish. Quite exciting, isn't it? In fact, it's almost five years now that I'm back to Brussels, so I think it's time for a change. And when shall I do this if not now?

So nice to see the trees blooming

Even the forget-me-nots are already blooming