Monday, February 20, 2017


Time flies. It's been over two weeks already that we are in the beautiful country of Honduras. We've been enjoying this mission trip. The hospital "Valle de Angeles" were we are visiting is about 45 minutes from the capital Tegucigalpa, and it's beautifully situated in a mountaineous scenery. It's an Adventist hospital, and the medical director is from the US. Him and his wife have been serving here for five years. However, it's been over 30 years that the "Lifestyle Wing" in this hospital has been operated. At this point, they only have patients in acute care as well as long-time care. So in a way, this is also a nursing home.

The first couple weeks turned out a bit different than we had originally envisaged. In fact, we had to keep changing our plans continually. After our Health Emphasis Weekend, which was very successful, we were going to start a 10-Day programme, however there was only one participant, and he left already after five days. But we took the opportunity to teach some of the staff members, give treatments to in-patients and staff; and especially we were able to figure out things and just to learn how to work with what we have. This past Friday, we were invited to one of the national television channels to be part of a popular morning TV show. It was a great blessing, and afterwards the hospital phone started ringing off the hook!

This past weekend, we visited "Vida Internacional", a medical-missionary institution about three hours from here out in the country. It was a nice visit. We had an adventurous, bumpy ride, and a flat tire on our way back. However, we made it home in good time. To our dismay, we found out that they had broken into hour house while we were gone (we ladies are staying in one of the staff houses). Unfortunately, I had left most of my cash there (an equivalent of about 300 Dollars), and some of the others left electronic devices. All gone. I'm so thankful I had left my PC in the hospital. This would have been such a bummer.

Of course we are all pretty upset now, but what can you do but to learn your lesson and move on. Our last 10-Day programme will start this evening, and we are going to have a good group of lifestyle guests. Please pray with us that the Lord will work through us during the remainder of our time and that we can make an impact for eternity.

Entrance of the hospital
This lady is making "pupusas", pancakes filled with whatever

The Adventist Hospital "Valle de Angeles"

Giving chair massages to outpatients

Duthier teaching the hospital staff

At Via Internacional - an OCI institution in Honduras

Panoramic campus view
Corn on the cobb

Tamalitos - my favorite street food here