Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Back To School

Oh my, it's been two months already since I've posted something here. Sorry for that! I'm still determined to post at least once a month, if not every two weeks from now on. Let's see if that will work!

On Monday, I went "Back to School", which does not mean that I have taken up another educational challenge. It's just the working title of a project initiated at my organisation (the European Commission in case you don't know where I work). So since 2007, EU officials go back to their home countries to visit their old schools and even universities, in order to share with the students about how the EU works and their own personal experience working in these institutions. 

I have done this for the first time back in 2012/2013, before I went for another career break to the United States. Back then already, I found it a very rewarding and enriching experience, but it was also quite exhausting! Some of the young folks were very inquisitive, others seemed rather indifferent, and basically everybody was ignorant about how the EU works, and what's in it for me as an individual citizen. 

I had a couple pictures with the students taken, but will not publish them here for data protection reasons. But below are some pictures of my former school. Yes, I was so surprised when I saw this skeleton building! But this is where I went in and out about 25 years ago. It was actually built in 1972 (so it's as old as I am :-), and now they thought it was time to renovate it. But thankfully, they can use the building adjacent to that one now, which is very nice and comfy!