It's already the second week that Maria, our new head of unit, is working with us. So far, I'm really pleased with this new situation. She is a very kind and appreciative person, and she is indeed organized. She takes care of the incoming stuff on a day-to-day basis, so no more piles! Now I only have to chase some of my case handlers for missed deadlines, but part of the reason for this is our lack of resources. I really feel for them, as most of them are overworked and have to juggle between priority cases plus all the other things that need to be done. I'm thankful that my own workload is rather light at the moment, but as I'm going to take on new tasks, this might change in the near future. But I will see - no need to worry about it right now.
Other than that, there aren't any new things happening in my life. I'm still praying about the Lord's guidance as for ministry opportunities. Now as the Amazing Facts event has been cancelled, I still somehow feel this emptiness. But maybe I should just take one day at a time and see what He has in store for me. At church, I decided to accept the office as church clerk, not exactly knowing what this task really entails. It's definitely more than I had expected, but with the Lord's help I will hopefully manage. Being in this position, I'm realizing more and more what a challenge it is to be part of a church congregation with so much diversity in cultural and educational backgrounds. But the Lord surely has a plan for His people in Brussels.
Lately, I've been reading through the gospel of John during my devotional time. The other morning, I beheld the crucifixion of Christ. I'm impressed how the prophecies in the Old Testament concerning Jesus' death were exactly fulfilled. Furthermore, a quote by Ellen G. White in my study bible caught my attention:
When Christ cried, "It is finished," God's unseen hand rent the strong fabric composing the veil of the temple from top to bottom. The way into the holiest of all was made manifest. God bowed His head satisfied. Now His justice and mercy could blend. He could be just, and yet the justifier of all who should believe on Christ. He looked upon the victim expiring on the cross, and said, "It is finished. The human race shall have another trial." The redemption price was paid, and Satan fell like lightning from heaven (MS 111, 1897).Isn't that powerful? I especially like the quote from Luke 10:18 about Satan falling from heaven like lightning. Although it didn't appear as such at the moment of crucifixion, Jesus was the winner in this battle and Satan was defeated. It's so comforting to know that our God is the One who controls our fate and destiny, and that there is nothing on this earth that can take us out of His arms. And best of all: He is interceding for us right now in the Most Holy Place. I pray that I may get to understand and embrace more fully what He has done and is still doing for His children.