Monday, May 9, 2011

Double Birthday

Today, I didn't have to go to work, as it is "Schuman Day", which marks the birth of the European Union. It was on 9 May 1950 when then-French Foreign Minister Robert Schuman made a governmental proposal to create a new form of organization of states in Europe. This is how it all began, and of course there were many steps along the way until the EU would become what it is right now. And of course, we can see the fulfillment of prophecy in all these developments.

Anyway, it seems that I'm predestined to work for this institution, as today is also my birthday. I've never spent it all by myself in Brussels, so I thought I would do something special. I took the train to Aachen in Germany this morning and enjoyed the day there. There is a nice thermal bath, which was very relaxing. I also got to do some shopping. They have some interesting fountains and sculptures there, as you can see below.

So this has been a nice long weekend, but alas, tomorrow I have to go back to work!


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Miss Dani.

It is my wife's birthday today, May 11. Pretty close, isn't it? I'm in Ukraine enjoying the adventure. Blessings on you. frank

Preetam said...

Hi Daniela,

Happy Birthday - sorry 4 this late wishing but I mean it. May The Mighty God be with u for ever.


From Mauritius