Wednesday, January 6, 2010

The year 2010 has just begun. What will it bring?

For me, 2009 was mainly a year of transitioning back to Europe: Going back to my work with the European Commission in Brussels, my current mission field. My heart is full of eager anticipation of the events to come in this year. There have been lots of changes on the political floor at the EU headquarters lately, and 2010 will be a year of transition for the European Commission, the administrative body of the EU. As for the Churches in Belgium in beyond, I can discern a “wake-up”, an increased awareness of the necessity to finish the work, but there is still so much to be done on this secularized continent, and the labor is always on the short side.
My 3-years stay in the US prepared me pretty well to face my old situation again, yet I don’t really feel adequate to serve the Lord in the capacity of a medical missionary in this challenging field. However, the statement of a brother I talked to during my Christmas visit at Uchee Pines Institute encouraged me a great deal. He considered it a good thing that I felt inadequate, “because if we feel adequate we wouldn’t depend on the Lord.” Amen to this. So I decided to accept the challenge to continue reaching out to my coworkers as well as my brothers and sisters in Brussels and beyond. I’m so thankful the Lord has planted me on this continent, and I’m grateful for the talents He has given me.
To me, the “spiritual climax” of 2009 was definitely the GYC convention in Louisville, Kentucky, which was held from December 30 through January 3. I felt greatly challenged by one of the first morning devotions, but it even became better towards the end. In fact, a great burden that I had felt was completely lifted after the Sabbath sermon by Mark Finley. I’m so grateful that I had spontaneously decided to sign up for GYC, as I had not originally planned on going there while visiting the States.
Until coming Sunday, I’m going to enjoy wintery Colorado with dear friends at Eden Valley, where I spent the summer of 2008 as a volunteer. It's rather cold and dreary today, but it's supposed to get better towards the weekend. It doesn't diminish my joy of being here as a visitor anyway!
I hope to be able to upload some pictures soon. May God richly bless you in this year 2010 - wherever the Lord has planted you!


Janet said...

Good for you, Miss Daniela. I enjoyed your first blog, and I'm looking forward to reading the next one. May the Lord give you grace to conquer the EU Commission and finally all of Europe. Frank

Kai Mester said...

May 2010 be a very blessed experience for you.