Sunday, November 10, 2013

Change of Blog Name

Sometimes I have contemplated how I would name my blog should I leave Brussels and continue my life somewhere else.

Today, I came to the conclusion that I should go ahead and change it now. Not that I have any plans to leave at this point; however my ministry has never been confined to Brussels only. For example, only a few months after my return from the US, I went on a mission trip to Hungary and Serbia. Then of course I'm involved in the German ministry "hoffnung weltweit e. V.", and I'm quite active there, especially when it comes to our annual summer camp meeting in the Westerwald region.

Furthermore, wherever I travel, even if it's not an official mission trip, I have opportunities to minister to people. At work, I minister to my colleagues who may then be able to pass on something I have given them (a health information, a thought, etc.) to somebody in their respective home country. Who knows? The Lord's ways are unfathomable. Only on the New Earth we will eventually grasp the whole extent of our influence in this world. How amazing this will be!

With all this in mind, I decided to call this blog from now on: "Under His Wings" - because if it weren't for this fact, I would not be alive today. I'm proud of my guardian angel, because he must have been extremely busy to protect me from the attacks of the enemy. And indeed, even if the "tempests are wild", I can still trust my Jesus; because I know He will keep me - because He has redeemed me and I am His child!

You may listen to this hymn here
Under His wings I am safely abiding
Though the night deepens and tempests are wild
Still I can trust Him, I know He will keep me
He has redeemed me, and I am His child.

Under His wings, under His wings,
Who from His love can sever?
Under His wings my soul shall abide,
Safely abide forever.

Under His wings—what a refuge in sorrow!
How the heart yearningly turns to His rest!
Often when earth has no balm for my healing,
There I find comfort, and there I am blest. 
Under His wings—oh, what precious enjoyment!
There will I hide till life’s trials are o’er;
Sheltered, protected, no evil can harm me;
Resting in Jesus I’m safe evermore.

Monday, November 4, 2013

Recharging Batteries

I've been thoroughly enjoying my time in Germany. The five-hour journey from Brussels was uneventful. On Sabbath, I enjoyed visiting my home church; and I even got an invite from a sister who had been wanting to have me over for lunch for years already. Until now, I would always have other commitments whenever I came for a visit, so this was a nice coincidence. She has been widowed for quite some time, and she always invites people over for Sabbath. There was another sister who came along, who is divorced and also her age (beyond 50). We had a very blessed afternoon. The only thing that I noticed is that there is a tendency of "going round in circles" when it comes to table conversations. At least I have noticed this very much among the German church members I'm close to, that they talk much more about other church members (their problems, their failures, conflicts they have with them, etc.) than about what they could do for the precious souls out there who are in need of Christ. It's a pity, because we lose so much time gossipping about other people's lives.

Yesterday, we had a nice family lunch at my parent's house. Only my older brother and my cousin couldn't make it. I tested the "Ultimate EU Quiz" with them, which I'm going to do with the students at my old school tomorrow. I realized how little the average population (academics or non-academics) knows about the history of the EU as well as the facts and figures (number of inhabitants on EU territory, where the majority of the EU-funds go to, etc.). I thought this was basic knowledge, but I think people just tend to live in a box. Of course I'm exposed to "Europe" every single day, meaning my workplace in itself is a "little Europe" already, with all these different nationalities blended together. I realize that I'm privileged in this regard. In fact, I wouldn't want to live in Germany anymore.

However, I really enjoy visiting from time to time. Today I'm going on a special treat - to the city of Baden-Baden in the Black Forest. I think I have posted before about this "Bathing Temple". But please don't think that I'm going to mingle with the male visitors - there is separate bathing today!

And finally, here is a super-cute picture that a Zambian friend from Brussels church just shared: Little Kennely with her brother Tumelo! Aren't they sweet together?

Friday, November 1, 2013

Let It Rain and Discover Belgium

I'm a little bit behind with blogging. There have been many happenings that could fill a blog, but I haven't been able to take the time to write about them.

Last weekend, I went to Munich to attend part of the "Let it Rain" event that they organized in one of our churches there. First of all, it's a public evangelistic outreach with health presentations by Dr. Tim Riesenberger from the US. The health talks started on Monday and will continue through Saturday night. However, it started already last Friday with a special weekend with the participants of this events, which are mainly young people from different churches. They have spend the week together to go on the streets of Munich (to the city center, door-to-door, to student's places etc.) to invite people, do surveys with them etc.

The weekend was great. I stayed with my uncle Kurt whom I hadn't visited for a long time. His new life partner is a very nice lady who has an interest in our church. I invited her to the meetings, and I hope she has attended them (I have only followed via Livestreaming, but I haven't seen her on the screen). On Sabbath afternoon, I joined the team who had reserved a spot for a booth in the center of Munich. We had some good conversations with people passing by, and I hope many came for the talks.

Things happening in Munich city 

A little demonstration at the Marienplatz (near our booth)

The presentations have been very interesting and well presented. In fact, even my parents have been watching them, as they are staying with me here in Brussels since Tuesday.

Yesterday, I was off and we went to the small city of Dinant (about 80 km / 50 miles from Brussels). It was an exceptionally beautiful fall day, and it was so interesting to visit this old citadel. They have many of these ancient fortresses, which of course played an important role during the wars.

The river Meuse
Dinant is the "birth town" of the saxophone
The one who invented it was born here
Upstairs to the citadel. Good work-out!
Great view from the gondola
I chose to go 100 meters/yards upstairs instead of riding with the gondola
In the kitchen
The Thinker
Lovely View

Today, we are headed for Germany. I'm going to stay there until Tuesday included. I will mainly enjoy the free time which I'm going to spend with family and friends, as well as to run some errands. On Tuesday, I will be on a mission called "Back to School", i. e. I'm going to visit my former secondary school in order to share with the students about the EU and my work there. I'm quite excited. I'm sure it will be an interesting experience going back there after 24 years...