Saturday, July 3, 2010

The Clearest Gospel of All

I mentioned in my last blog that Pastor Jack Sequeira from the US would come to our church for a special program. This week of spiritual emphasis just ended today and it was very well received. He talked about the book of Romans, which he considers the clearest gospel of all. He expounded on quite a few hot topics, like legalism and cheap grace, and I liked the way he presented it. Did you know that Romans 5:1-11 explains why we are saved, and Romans 5:12-21 how we are saved? I realized how important this book is and indeed how clearly the gospel is presented here. I also enjoyed Sequeira's numerous stories from his almost 20-year long mission service in different African countries. The attendance was much better than I had anticipated. Our brothers and sisters from Ruanda, who form their own group here in Brussels, were also invited and the messages were interpreted into their language. This of course stretched the program, but on the other hand it made it easier to absorb the message.

Coming home this afternoon, I was still able to watch Ted Wilson's sermon at the GC session in Atlanta. I really liked his clear message, pointing to the nitty-gritty in the current situation of our Advent movement. I remember talking to him at the last "Generation of Youth for Christ" conference in Kentucky, and I think he is a very humble man and a leader appointed by the Lord.

Indeed, we are facing interesting times, and I really appreciated Jack Sequeira praying over and over again for our "little church" here in Brussels, that we may turn around this country and share the gospel with a dying world. I still have no idea how this is going to happen - in Belgium, Germany, or any other place in this world. I only know that I have a deep heart desire to do my part to accomplish this, yet I often feel so weak and powerless. I can't help thinking that something supernatural needs to happen to finish the work on this earth, but it's so hard to imagine. Well, I'm open to whatever the Lord has in store for us, and I pray that He may clearly show each one of us which role He wants us to play in these final events of earth's history!

Pastor Sequiera preaching

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